Monday, May 25, 2015

Central West Business Summit - Worth the Climb

Event Organisers Tamara James, Caddie Marshall and Dannielle Jenkins with Keynote Speaker Michael Pascoe

The Central West Business Summit last Tuesday bought together the best of the best. Over 155 people congregated at the Orange Ex-Services Club for the inaugural event, representing over 100 different businesses across 15 industry sectors.

Presented by marketing & business consultancy Adloyalty and workforce specialists, PulseHR the Summit featured an entertaining post-budget review from Michael Pascoe, as well as presentations from business experts from Adloyalty, PulseHR, Telstra, BEC, AusIndustry and Regional Development Australia.

 “We are so pleased with the level of attendance and support from local businesses, from varying growth industries across the Central West such as manufacturing, mining, construction, health & education.” Everyone embraced the opportunity and really enjoyed the day.” Event Coordinator, Dannielle Jenkins said.

Key topics & business issues that were discussed included Digital Marketing & Business Tools, HR, Finance & Investment & Business Planning.

AusIndustry also took the opportunity to discuss their funding opportunities for businesses in key industry growth sectors across the Central West as a part of the Entrepreneurs Infrastructure Programme.

“There is funding available for certain industry groups within the Central West, which is very exciting for regional growth & development. Please visit for more information.” Dannielle said.

The Summit also featured a Business Expo, which showcased key services available to take business to the next level. Exhibitors included Adloyalty, PulseHR, Skillset, AusIndustry, Telstra, Australian Institute of Company Directors, Phocas Software, Prime7, Adbox, Yates Baker Mclean and Xero. This also provided businesses with an opportunity to network and see what else is out there to help achieve growth & success.  

“Networking is such a vital part of doing business in Regional NSW, and allows you to be exposed to greater opportunities for growth. We have seen an incline in business networking groups such as Renweld and the Orange Young Professionals, both of who had representatives attend on the day.” Dannielle continued to say.

The Summit team have also heard some fantastic feedback, which has reinforced the need to host an annual event. 

“Based on the level of interest, we are very excited to announce that the Summit will return in 2016! Meet you at the top!!” Dannielle concluded.

If you would like to register your interest, please visit