Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Summit set to Workshop Key Future Opportunities for Central West Businesses

Business leaders are set to workshop key future opportunities for the Region at the Central West Business Summit in Parkes on June 7.

Digital Integration, innovation, strategic planning, funding and Inland Rail economic development opportunities will be among the big ticket topics for the highly popular breakout sessions during the one-day event.

The Breakout Sessions have been designed to facilitate one-on-one communication between attendees and business experts. They create a platform for attendees to learn about opportunities for their own businesses, with key takeaways that can be implemented directly for growth and development.

The line-up for the 2016 Summit includes:         

  • “Let’s Get Digital”…Digital Integration in today’s business environment - Hosted by Adloyalty
  • Change, Innovation and Collaboration - Hosted by Yates Baker McLean
  • Leveraging Competitive Advantage in the Central West - Hosted by RDA Central West
  • Inland Rail Economic Development Opportunities - Hosted by RDA Central West
  • Developing a Strategic Plan for your Business - Hosted by Central NSW BEC
  • Funding Opportunities for Central West Business - Hosted by AusIndustry
  • In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream … Internet West of the Great Divide – Hosted by Central West Networks

Attendees will be given the opportunity to register online to participate in three of the above sessions. 
Summit participants should register online by close of business May 31.
There is currently limited availability for businesses wishing to partner with the Central West Business Summit. Businesses can showcase their expertise by hosting a breakout session, exhibition space or website promotion.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Summit Speaker Announced - James O'Loghlin

Renowned speaker from ABC TV’s The New Inventors, and author of Innovation is a State of Mind, James O’Loghlin has been announced as the keynote speaker for the 2016 Central West Business Summit in Parkes on June 7.

James will be speaking on a topic close to his heart – innovation, going hand in hand with the key themes for this year - inspiring innovation and digital integration in agribusiness, logistics and engineering. 

The take home message for Summit participants will be that innovation is not what you do if you have some time left after you have done all your work. It is the work! In eight years hosting “The New Inventors”, James worked with more than a thousand innovators who thought outside the box and came up with new and better ways of doing things.

Attendees to the Central West Business Summit will learn James’ strategies for success including:
  • Why every business needs to be continually innovating.
  • The three things innovators do better than everyone else.
  • How innovation happens. Everyone talks about the need to be more innovative, but no one tells you how to actually do it. James will share a process that enables everyone to come up with more innovative ideas.
  • The six things every business can do to build a workplace culture that encourages everyone to be innovative.
  • Why some organisations can encourage their staff to not only have ideas, but also to share them, and why some organisations never get access to the good ideas their people have.
  • How to grow, test, assess and implement new ideas.

The one-day event will include Breakout Sessions hosted by AusIndustry, Regional Development Australia – Central West, Central NSW Business Enterprise Centre, Yates Baker Mclean and Adloyalty, as well as a Business Exhibition and Panel Discussion. 

The day also includes plenty of networking opportunities, a sit-down lunch and “Case Study Speakers” from Central West businesses who will speak about change, organisational culture and embracing innovation and digital integration. 

Summit participants should register online by close of business May 31. 

Claim your seat at the table

Innovative business owners are invited to claim their seat at the table for the 2016 Central West Business Summit in Parkes on June 7.

The Summit has proven a pivotal forum for networking and information sharing along with being a unique platform for uniting Central West Business leaders.

The event is again hosted by Adloyalty, with Major Partners including Regional Development Australia Central West, the Business Enterprise Centre Central NSW, Yates Baker McLean, and AusIndustry.

The keynote speaker for this year will be James O’Loghlan from ABC TV’s ‘The New Inventors’. James will be speaking on a topic close to his heart – innovation. Key themes for this year include inspiring innovation and digital integration in agribusiness, logistics and engineering.

The Summit provides access to renowned business experts and speakers, provides Central West businesses with the ability to network with complementary businesses and potential clients.

In 2015 (the inaugural year), the event saw a total of 158 attendees, representing 93 individual businesses across 17 industry sectors.

The concept grew out of an initial idea to bring prevalent regional business issues together. Event organisers work with businesses throughout the Central West to execute business strategies that set solid foundations for sustainable growth.

With shared issues and pressure points for the region’s businesses uncovered, challenges can be collectively addressed to develop confident businesses that achieve growth targets, employ more people and therefore contribute to the economic vibrancy of our communities. 

The one-day event will include keynote speakers, panel discussions, a business exhibition and the highly popular breakout sessions all held at the Parkes Services Club.

There are currently opportunities available for businesses wanting to be involved in this exciting event to increase their profile. Businesses can showcase their skills and expertise by hosting a breakout session, exhibition space or website promotion.

If you would like to partner with the Central West Business Summit, please contact Dannielle Jenkins on 0438 963 664 or by May 20.

Summit participants should register online by close of business May 31.