It’s that time again, and businesses should be thinking about ways they can boost their business. We have prepared some helpful tips and tricks you can begin actioning to kick start your business into the new financial year!!
1. Know your customers and tailor to them
Most businesses think they know their customers – but do we? When was the last time you sought feedback or sat down and had a 5-minute conversation with your customers?
Actively seeking information about customer needs and expectations is critical to your future success. Remember, they have the answers to what is holding your business back.
2. Provide value, don’t just sell
People love to buy, but they hate being sold to. Are you guilty of selling to your audience rather than creating an atmosphere conducive to buying?
Are you asking the right questions to be able to understand how you can add value? If you understand what your customers are looking for then you can present these key messages as a solution. The greater the value, the easier it will be to prompt your target market to take action.
3. No more than three clicks
If it takes more than three clicks to find out how to buy from you, you’ve lost potential customers. Whether it’s from an email campaign, your blog or even from the homepage on your website, people need to be able to purchase within three clicks.
How many clicks does it take from your homepage to your sales area? Is it clear and easy to get there? And during clicks one and two, are you giving people enough information to be able to make a decision? Go and check!
4. Stand out from the competition
Chances are I can buy what you offer from someone else. You need to have a clear reason why I should buy from you rather than your competitors.
What makes your business unique? List the ways you’re different from your competitors. Then, once you’ve got a full list, cross off all of the things that your competitors also say they do! It doesn’t matter whether they actually do it or not, if they also say it, it’s not unique in the eyes of your target market. Whatever is left is your point of difference – that’s what you need to keep marketing!
If you’re clear on what makes you different, ask yourself “Is this actually important to my target market?” If it isn’t, put some work into making yourself stand out. Remember, if you’re perceived to be different to your competitors, they’ll no longer be in competition!
5. Keep it consistent
Whatever you do, whether it be social media, newspaper advertising or radio, keep the message consistent. Consistency helps increase your brand preference which ultimately leads to more people knowing about who you are and what you do.
6. Measurement is the key to success
There is no point developing a fantastic marketing plan if you don't look at the results. Measurement is the key to determining whether something is working, or whether it isn't. In other words, measurement can ultimately save you time and money on something that isn't delivering results!!
Simple questions like "where did you hear about us" is an example of measurement.