There is no better time for a giveaway than Christmas. The hard part is coming up with a good idea that increases participation and interest.
Throwing together a badly thought out idea will not only decrease interest in your business, but a competition that totally tanks can have a long lasting negative impact on your brand.
Always here to ensure your marketing success, Adloyalty have come up with their Christmas Giveaway Tips to help boost your brand this silly season without leaving you with eggnog on your face!
- Keep Your Eye on Your Prize -
The number one thing to work out before you even decide on what type of contest you want to run is to identify why you are running it. What are you trying to achieve? What is your target goal? Do you want to increase your Facebook likes by 10 percent, reach a certain number of likes, gain a particular number of new followers on Instagram, build or increase your email database??? Set your goal before the competition so that you can build your contest around it and ultimately measure the success of your campaign. You may use this goal within your marketing of the competition – for example “we are trying to reach 1000 likes – help us to get there by…” or you may prefer to keep this an internal goal.
- Make It Worth Winning -
The prize and winner selection process should be set before the first post or email is issued. This is not something you can work out as you go along. Make sure the prize is exciting and relevant (gift cards, gift packs, limited edition items – make it special). Don’t be afraid to workshop the idea with your staff or friends and family.
- Get Your Process In-Place -
Outline how the prize winner will be chosen. If your contest is a sweepstakes, there are sites that can help ensure you’re choosing a completely random winner and can help keep the process fair.
- Marketing and Promotion -
Think about how you’ll spread the word about your contest once it’s live. Social media and email will help you reach your existing following, but how can you reach beyond your normal crowd? Many contests have sharing aspects built in which work well. Also - consider partnering with influencers, running Facebook ads, and partnering with other local businesses to extend your ordinary reach.
- “Like” or “Tag a friend” to Win -
Arguably one of the easiest and most popular social media competitions liking or tagging friends to win is always a gem. This is a simple and easy way to quickly expand your reach on social media. Instagram and Facebook are ideal platforms for this type of competition.
- Let’s Get Visual – Fantastic Photo Competitions -
‘Share a Photo’ or video contests encourage brand participation and can be run across numerous platforms. The idea is to feature the product, but with the user’s personalised twist. It is almost like the consumer becomes the marketer. Selfie photo competitions are popular and help to add real-life context to what you’re selling. You can select the winner or you can increase participation further by letting your audience vote for their favourite photo. Instagram photo hashtag contests are an effective way to build brand awareness and provide a visual testimonial of your happy customers. Create a contest that encourages people to share photos featuring your product or business on Instagram with a custom hashtag. Competitions can be one-off or if they prove popular, you could draw weekly or monthly winners.
- Let the Wordsmiths Spread the Word -
People love to come up with clever photo captions, top tips, recipes, or have the chance to put their chosen name to a product. Everyone is a witty wordsmith and should have been in advertising! Well don’t let those closet advertisers rot away behind closed doors – use them to your advantage by challenging them to name your latest painting, or provide the insider hacks on using your products. Have participants create a creative or funny caption for a photo you post, and then pick your favourite as the winner. Have your audience write a testimonial for their favourite product.
- Plan A Winning Year -
Like all aspects of marketing, planning and consistency are the key to your competition success. Ideally choose 1-3 contests that you want to run throughout the next 12 months to drive sales. Develop clear target goals (e.g. drive sales, grow your audience, capitalise on Mothers/Father’s Day, or Easter/Christmas/New Year marketing). Don’t overdo it! You must make your contests worthwhile for the participants, but don’t get carried away in all the excitement and bankrupt your business in the process. Keep an eye on your competitors throughout the year and other businesses to see what works for them and then adapt it to suit your business. In the process, consider putting a page on your website with a link to the signup so that you are directing traffic to your website. The value of developing your database and website traffic should always be considered.