Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 What a year!!! What a blast!!!

Most years at this time I try and take the time to reflect on our achievements and our learnings. This year I am still running - I think we all are. Looking back it has been a year of wonderful, heartfelt wins, exciting projects and many changes and introductions to our lives.

Here are just a few of our wins:

  • We spoke with over 250 businesses about new ways of approaching their business
  • We built 20 websites
  • We worked with our clients to have them seen over 6,000,000 times on TV
  • We sent out over 1,000,000 emails for our clients
  • We had delivered a combined, accumulated Social Media reach of over 20,000,000 impressions
  • We helped our clients build both national and international exposure
  • .......And we had the best time doing it!!

Our year in a nutshell:

January presented an opportunity that we thought could change the dynamics for Adloyalty, and it did.

February saw our beautiful Danni become engaged to her long-term partner Steve on top of a mountain, and we sighed.

April we were awarded the Discover the Riches tender and with the help of Geagle Productions and Jack of Hearts Studio we produced a regional tourism campaign straight from our hearts, for our home.

June saw us host the 2nd Central West Business Summit with close to 150 delegates joining us in Parkes to discuss our region's opportunities and to hear James O'Loughlin present his thoughts on the power of innovation as a cultural foundation for all small business. Next year we are looking to host this event in Bathurst.

July we introduced shop parkes + win. And they did - a Carribean Cruise!!

September our Art Director, Elizabeth Robinson designed the Orange Regional Museum logo and promoted our first bull or should I say NO BULL sale.

October we flew to Mt Isa to develop a local media and marketing campaign for our long-standing client  PJL Group. We helped them celebrate 10 amazingly successful years that has seen them start as 3 mates with a truck, grow to over 250 skilled employees with a national footprint.

We opened a second office based in Wagga Wagga - home to our design talents and we welcomed Elise Penton.

November we explored and marveled at the Jenolan Caves and we are itching to share this work with you. Keep your eyes peeled for a Facebook Post very soon.

We were humbled with the announcement of our Daroo Award for Contribution to Cabonne - Business. And the 1st the Adloyalty baby, Archer was born!!!!
shop parkes + win came back, and this time the lucky winner will head to Las Vegas!!

December we moved our Canowindra office to make room for our new 2017 introduction of Lead Generation - stay tuned.

It has been a great year and none of it would have been half as much fun or nearly as rewarding without our talented and dedicated beyond belief team of:

- Danni Jenkins, Account Manager and the real Boss
- Robyn Priest, Digital Developer and Website Builder
- Elizabeth Robinson, Art Director
- Sharon Duguid, Content Creator and Writer
- Mandy McNaught, Accounts Officer and Office Mum
- Izabella Tanewski  Marketing Assistant
- Debra Clarke  Website Account Manager
- Elise Penton  Graphic Designer

And of course our stellar client base, your support and trust makes it an honour to work with you all.

So in finishing, Merry Christmas - may it be relaxed and filled with joy.  I look forward to seeing and speaking with you all in 2017.

Peace. Love. Prosperity.    Cads x

Monday, November 21, 2016

Share The Christmas Love. How can giving help your Christmas marketing campaign?

Tis the Season to be jolly! Tis also the Season to be maximising your marketing! Like your mother always told you - sometimes the best way to get something is to give something!

There is no better time for a giveaway than Christmas. The hard part is coming up with a good idea that increases participation and interest. 

Throwing together a badly thought out idea will not only decrease interest in your business, but a competition that totally tanks can have a long lasting negative impact on your brand.

Always here to ensure your marketing success, Adloyalty have come up with their Christmas Giveaway Tips to help boost your brand this silly season without leaving you with eggnog on your face! 

- Keep Your Eye on Your Prize -
The number one thing to work out before you even decide on what type of contest you want to run is to identify why you are running it. What are you trying to achieve? What is your target goal? Do you want to increase your Facebook likes by 10 percent, reach a certain number of likes, gain a particular number of new followers on Instagram, build or increase your email database??? Set your goal before the competition so that you can build your contest around it and ultimately measure the success of your campaign. You may use this goal within your marketing of the competition – for example “we are trying to reach 1000 likes – help us to get there by…” or you may prefer to keep this an internal goal.

- Make It Worth Winning -
The prize and winner selection process should be set before the first post or email is issued. This is not something you can work out as you go along. Make sure the prize is exciting and relevant (gift cards, gift packs, limited edition items – make it special). Don’t be afraid to workshop the idea with your staff or friends and family. 

- Get Your Process In-Place -
Outline how the prize winner will be chosen. If your contest is a sweepstakes, there are sites that can help ensure you’re choosing a completely random winner and can help keep the process fair.

- Marketing and Promotion -
Think about how you’ll spread the word about your contest once it’s live. Social media and email will help you reach your existing following, but how can you reach beyond your normal crowd? Many contests have sharing aspects built in which work well. Also - consider partnering with influencers, running Facebook ads, and partnering with other local businesses to extend your ordinary reach.

- “Like” or “Tag a friend” to Win -
Arguably one of the easiest and most popular social media competitions liking or tagging friends to win is always a gem. This is a simple and easy way to quickly expand your reach on social media. Instagram and Facebook are ideal platforms for this type of competition.

- Let’s Get Visual – Fantastic Photo Competitions -
‘Share a Photo’ or video contests encourage brand participation and can be run across numerous platforms. The idea is to feature the product, but with the user’s personalised twist. It is almost like the consumer becomes the marketer. Selfie photo competitions are popular and help to add real-life context to what you’re selling. You can select the winner or you can increase participation further by letting your audience vote for their favourite photo. Instagram photo hashtag contests are an effective way to build brand awareness and provide a visual testimonial of your happy customers. Create a contest that encourages people to share photos featuring your product or business on Instagram with a custom hashtag. Competitions can be one-off or if they prove popular, you could draw weekly or monthly winners. 

- Let the Wordsmiths Spread the Word -
People love to come up with clever photo captions, top tips, recipes, or have the chance to put their chosen name to a product. Everyone is a witty wordsmith and should have been in advertising! Well don’t let those closet advertisers rot away behind closed doors – use them to your advantage by challenging them to name your latest painting, or provide the insider hacks on using your products. Have participants create a creative or funny caption for a photo you post, and then pick your favourite as the winner. Have your audience write a testimonial for their favourite product.

- Plan A Winning Year -
Like all aspects of marketing, planning and consistency are the key to your competition success. Ideally choose 1-3 contests that you want to run throughout the next 12 months to drive sales. Develop clear target goals (e.g. drive sales, grow your audience, capitalise on Mothers/Father’s Day, or Easter/Christmas/New Year marketing). Don’t overdo it! You must make your contests worthwhile for the participants, but don’t get carried away in all the excitement and bankrupt your business in the process. Keep an eye on your competitors throughout the year and other businesses to see what works for them and then adapt it to suit your business. In the process, consider putting a page on your website with a link to the signup so that you are directing traffic to your website. The value of developing your database and website traffic should always be considered.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Adloyalty Honoured for Contribution to Cabonne at Daroo Business Awards

Local marketing and business consulting group, Adloyalty, has been honoured for their contribution to the Cabonne Region at the 2016 Daroo Business Awards.

Adloyalty Director, Caddie Marshall, said the win meant a great deal to the Adloyalty Team who worked extremely hard to pull together the Cabonne tourism campaign, ‘Discover The Riches’, earlier in 2016.

“We were enormously proud of our contribution to Cabonne via the ‘Discover the Riches’ campaign which showcased the assets of the 12 villages,” Caddie explained. “This high-end television, web, and social media production was delivered within a month, showcasing our beautiful rich landscape.

“The campaign was an overwhelming marketing success with an accumulated reach of more than 4 million views in less than 6 weeks!”

Guests at the Daroo celebrations held at Cumnock were treated to a presentation of the campaign during the proceedings. Federal Member for Calare, Andrew Gee, also took the opportunity to commend Adloyalty on their success.

“I couldn’t be more proud of my Team, who have helped to take Adloyalty to new heights in 2016. It truly has been a memorable year,” Caddie said. “It has also been an outstanding year for many of our clients and associates who also featured in the Daroo Awards.

“We would like to congratulate our good friends - accountancy and business advice specialists, Yates Baker McLean (YBM), who were named Best Business in Cabonne on the night. YBM were also highly commended in the Excellence in Service Operations.

“Cabonne Council’s Audrey Meehan was named Employee of the Year while YBM’s Karen Bollinger was highly commended.

“Canowindra’s Montrose House, who we had the honour of building a magnificent new website for this year, was highly commended in the Excellence in Accommodation section.

“Congratulations also go to Canowindra’s Age of Fishes Museum who received the Excellence in Tourism Award and Canowindra Balloon Challenge who were highly commended in this section.

“Several of our clients were also finalists in the awards including Grantham House Bed and Breakfast and The Old Vic Inn.

“We would also like to congratulate Rosnay Organic Wines - finalists in the Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture section, and Canowindra Trading Post - highly commended in both the Best Ongoing Business Award and Excellence in Service Operations (small entity) Award.”

Monday, August 22, 2016

Getting the Most Out of the Facebook Juggernaut

If your business hasn’t already jumped on the social media marketing train, then you probably aren’t aware of the 1.5 billion active Facebook users world-wide daily!

Maybe you have tipped your toe into the Facebook sea, but you aren’t sure if you are getting anywhere or if you are just wasting your time?
So here is the quick reference Why, When and How of what has emerged as one of the most significant marketing developments of our time…
Welcome to Facebook 101!
Small business owners are always trying to strike the right balance between the time they spend marketing their products and services and the time they spend actually running their business.
Because of this ongoing struggle, many are hesitant to jump into social media, having heard that maintaining a social presence on multiple networks can be time consuming.
As with all things, social media management is what you make of it, and having the right knowledge and tools at your disposal can make all the difference when it comes to the amount of time social media marketing occupies. 
One of the first steps toward making social media less intimidating is to know when, and how often you actually need to post to engage your audience. For the purpose of this article, we look at Facebook and Twitter, since we find they’re the most popular with people starting out.
So, how can you maximize your engagement on social media with a minimal investment of time? Let’s dig in!
The ‘Why’ of Facebook
You only have to walk down any shopping centre or street in Australia to realise why Facebook is such an important marketing tool for businesses today.

Take a look around the cafés or park benches – what are people doing? They are on their phones. What are they doing on their phones? Yes - they are messaging, reading emails, searching the internet, but they are also on Facebook.

The stats don’t lie! There are currently 1.5 billion active Facebook users in the world daily, with 90 percent of these accessing the platform via their mobile phones.

It is no longer a social channel, but in recent times has become more of an advertising and awareness channel. By advertising on Facebook, businesses are able to reach their exact target market.

I must be in that target market because Facebook is the first place I now search anything from products, to café’s, to accommodation. Why – because it is usually the most up-to-date and relevant source of information available. I can find the information quickly and see what others have had to say about it within seconds.

While Facebook is a brilliant, easy tool for advertising, there are some things businesses should be aware of before they start using it.

The 3 Main Facebook Misconceptions

1. Likes + Followers Does Not = Customers!
This may be a bit hard to wrap your head around, but fans don’t always equal customers. People liking other Facebook posts and pages does not necessarily mean that they are clients or customers, or that they are going to actually buy the products they ‘like’. Consumer behaviour isn’t that simple unfortunately.

2. Followers Do Not = Automatic Post Connection
The second misconception is that everyone cares about what you have to say. A business can put content on Facebook, however that does not mean that other active users want to see or hear it. They may just keep scrolling!

3. Facebook Does Not = Free High Reach Advertising
Lastly, the third misconception people often have about Facebook is that it is free. This is incorrect, as you must pay to boost each post in order to improve your reach. This is not a large cost when you compare it to other forms of advertising, but it is something you have to weigh up in your marketing budget.

Adloyalty’s Content Creation Tips

Once a business has decided to use Facebook as one of their advertising platforms, they should consider that the content put out for followers to read is credible, worthy and relevant.

1. Keep it Short, Sweet & Visual
Readers will continue to scroll if they come across a post that is too long, with too many big words and is hard to understand. Posts should be short and sweet! Fewer, better posts are the key, including engaging and inspiring content. Always remember – people love pictures! Visual content is always more successful, as Facebook is a visual language. Our brains can identify images in 13 milliseconds. Photographs, videos, emoticons and imagery are perfect! Video content is sky-rocketing. By 2018, 2/3 of mobile use will be to watch video content. More and more of us are investing in it. Should you be?

2. Be True to Your Brand, Your Customers & Your Individual Tone
You should create content that is true to your brand, as well as interesting and relevant to your customer base. Know your audience, stay familiar, and always ask yourself – what is the purpose of this post? You should also share the content when and where the targeted audience is online so get to know your audience and their social media activity. Developing and staying true to your tone of voice is the secret ingredient in your social media sauce. Tone of voice is Your Culture, Your Story, Your Empathy multiplied together.  It should set you apart from your competition. It is why people want to do business with you. Once you have identified this – keep it consistent. This is how you effectively tell your stories.

3. Keep it Relevant & Stay Relevant
Sharing content that is relevant to individuals and provides triggers for consumer behaviour is key. Triggers are things that are at the top of the mind and tip of the tongue. As a brand, product or business – you want to instantly come to your customer’s minds. You don’t need to create all of your content – we are all becoming curators of information. As humans it is in our makeup to share ideas. This is how we have evolved. And it will be how businesses evolve. So, invest the time to review trending topics to capitalise on what is popular and topical and participate in conversations.

4. Build Sharable, Collective Content That Provides Practical Value
Build your content around things that are sharable and collective. Participation is key to increasing the reach of each post. Ask questions or for some type of response from your audience. Beyond being found, your content needs to be engaging enough for people to want to Like It, Comment on it, and better still Share it. It needs to offer value. Practical value means sharing things to help others. People enjoy helping other people, so will be likely to share things that will benefit others, such as recipes, competitions, or good advice for example. Always use #hashtags to get content recognised and found.

5. Create Engaging Stories and Conversations
Stories are another aspect of writing a Facebook post that should be considered. People share and engage with content that has a beginning, middle and end. They like things that are neatly wrapped up and hit home with a relevant message. Don’t ever forget that Social Media is SOCIAL. Don’t keep banging on about your product – particularly if it isn’t funny, doesn’t involve a cranky cat or in seriousness – doesn’t offer the recipient value. Social Media users want to talk WITH you at least as much as they want to listen to you. And they expect attention, interaction and answers! Campaigns are Out. Conversations are In.

6. Emotionally Connect, Create Relationships & Build Communities
If a Facebook post can make people feel something, they are much more likely to act upon that feeling. Creating a positive emotional reaction is tried and tested as the content winner. The next most responsive emotions are anger and anxiety. People always want to be part of a community. This how we feel safe, and this applies even more when we are customers. Use Facebook Groups as a closed conversation platform where you and your clients can Share ideas. More conversations, less promotion. We need to Monitor, Listen, Understand and Act. The quicker you get back to them, the better. And if someone takes the time to Comment, Acknowledge it with a Like.

7. Evaluate Your Efforts Regularly
Sometimes there seems to the naked eye no rhyme or reason to the success of a Facebook post. Deciphering the insights can be difficult, but trying to get to know what your audience wants is an important part of any marketing strategy. Do some research on Facebook Metrics or ask a professional like Adloyalty Creative to give you a quick rundown and some advice to make sure you are making the most out of your social media efforts. There are a number of useful tools that those in the know will be able to steer you towards to measure and analyse your social media output and what it means for your business.

Friday, July 22, 2016

‘Discover The Riches’ Campaign Hits Home for the Villages of Cabonne

A campaign designed to showcase the assets of the 12 villages of Cabonne has been hailed an overwhelming success with an accumulated reach of more than 4 million achieved in less than 6 weeks.

The campaign was produced and delivered by local marketing agency, Adloyalty, and was shot by former Eugowra local Andrew Barnes from Geagle Productions. Villages involved included Molong, Canowindra, Borenore, Cargo, Cudal, Cumnock, Eugowra, Manildra, Mullion Creek, Ophir, Nashdale and Yeoval.

Adloyalty Director, Caddie Marshall, said she was honoured to have been chosen to facilitate the campaign and incredibly proud of her company which created and delivered the high-end production within a month.

“The campaign has hit National media and the adverts have even been viewed internationally with social media reach of more than 250,000 impressions, website visitation standing at close to 10,000 unique users and video views exceeding 25,000 with the campaign not yet concluded,” Caddie said.

“From all reports the campaign’s primary media vehicle, local television advertising supported by social media, has hit a real nerve with viewers. Feedback has been flooding in and it seems the highly emotive essence really managed to get to the heart of the region.
“It really has been an overwhelming success with excellent engagement and community collaboration proving we have not only been singing the praises of our attractions to the converted.
“We have effectively showcased our beautiful rich landscape and people enjoying an authentic country experience by inviting people to Take a day, a week…or a lifetime – to “Discover the Riches.
 “It was no small feat for Adloyalty to put together in such a small timeframe. We were extremely fortunate to have such an amazing product to sell - the iconic villages, landscape and characters.
“The success of the campaign proves what a talented group of marketing professionals we have in our local area which is a real asset within itself.”
To view the campaign please visit

For more information - contact Sharon Duguid at Adloyalty on Mobile 0427 441590.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Inspiring Innovation and Digital Integration in Agribusiness, Logistics and Engineering....Learnings from an Insightful Summit

How do you create a profitable business that is kicking goals…where good employees want to work and customers want to return?
How do you build a business where you are ready, willing and able to take on the challenges that the future holds within your industry and the region you do business in?
How as a team, an industry, a region can you find the solutions to moving forward and ensure a strong economic future?
They were some of the many discussions that were afloat during the Central West Business Summit recently in Parkes where innovative business leaders and forward thinking organisations met to put their heads together on the big issues impacting regional businesses.
Equal measures of inspiration and information…
A snapshot of 130 of the region’s small to medium business managers took time out to network and gain insight from larger organisations and businesses on a day that turned out to be as equally inspirational as informative.
The success of the one-day Parkes event (the second Summit) means next year will be even bigger with Bathurst as the proposed location.
As the dust settles (or more appropriately as the mud tries to dry!) on the event and everyone returns to their daily business routines, it is an ideal opportunity to reflect on the key learnings from the Summit.
Renowned speaker from ABC TV’s The New Inventors, and author of Innovation is a State of Mind, James O’Loghlin’s keynote address kicked it off when he said…
Innovation is not what you do if you have some time left after you have done all your work. It is the work!
That would have to be a key take-away message that we are all guilty of not heading. Build an innovative culture into our workplace. Put in place processes and mindsets so innovation is on automatic. Make innovation as normal as having a staff meeting and as regular as your morning coffee or checking your emails.
James explained that habitual thinking is the enemy of innovation. He urged business owners to question everything, challenge their assumptions, reframe the question, analyse their data and to think like a customer.
Creating an innovative organisation – think, value, use.
Presenters and participants have shared what they took away with them from the day and their attitudes towards innovation. It is interesting to see the many different angles that were interpreted with people relating different aspects back to their own business circumstance, but in a way providing collective motivation for us all.
Innovation is building the capability within an organisation to be ready for the changing circumstances of tomorrow.
Innovation is looking at the way of the future. It is looking at the way people are buying goods and services and then looking at strategies to implement within your business to attract these people not only in your area, but further afield.
 Innovation is an attitude – it is a willingness to change and learn new concepts, new ideas and implement them.

Innovation and change – the chicken or the egg…
Innovation and change go hand-in-hand. It goes without saying there wouldn’t be a need to innovate if there was no change to adjust to and yet innovation is change. The term innovation is often easier to swallow for many because of the self-initiated context it conjures.
Steve Fieldus, founder of Transforce, shared his experience of change within the heavy transport industry with delegates at the Central West Business Summit. The NSW Business Chamber Business Awards 2016 Regional Winning business underwent a substantial branding campaign which included the development and implementation of a digital ecosystem.
The move broadened their audience and allowed them to showcase their business -  highlighting their point of difference. Steve spoke on the two primary uses for digital technology in business – to improve productivity and efficiency (technology for efficiency) and to broaden your audience and widen your appeal (marketing and branding).
Every business and service now competes on the world stage via the internet - more competition!
In relation to the experience of change at a management level, Steve gave some solid advice. He said change is never easy for the simple reason that no one likes change – it’s scary!
He explained that it was important to be upfront and clear on;
- Why the change is happening.
- What is being changed.
- How the change will be implemented.
Change will only work if everyone understands why there is a need for change and they are provided with the road map to get there. Consultation is key! New technology can be costly. It can be a fine line to balance the needs and goals of a business with the budget available.

Top business tips from innovative Summit thinkers…
The Central West Business Summit saw strong collective intellect and dialogue stimulated on the day to inspire some key innovative business advice. Among the top tips were…
Recruit people who fit the culture of your business. Skills and competence can be taught, but entrenched counter-productive values and behaviours are harder to address and even harder to change. Steve Fieldus, Transforce
The Innovation Commitment is an absolute top-down commitment to the cause. It takes years to build up the expertise. Have realistic expectations. If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn’t be called research! Alan McKellar, Northparkes Mine
Continually evaluate your business and the commercial environment in which it operates. Don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself to maintain your company’s point of differentiation, but stay true to your core business activities and values. Steve Fieldus, Transforce
When you are green you grow, when you are ripe you rot! Bruce Buchanan, Central NSW Business Enterprise Centre.
Be a company that you yourself would be happy to work for or to do business with. Who really wants to work for or do business with an unethical, unhappy or poorly presented organisation? Steve Fieldus, Transforce
Invest in your business, but also in yourself. Alison Stephens, Vine sight & Canowindra Tyre Service
Don’t be afraid of change – thrive on it, learn from it, use it to access opportunities and open new doors. It has been estimated that only 42 percent of businesses are innovation active! It really is time to tap in, get involved and innovate! Caddie Marshall, Adloyalty
There will be setbacks. The ability to react and adapt is key. Champions get back up and go another round. The requirement for success – have clear goals that are measurable! Alan McKellar, Northparkes Mine
BUILD YOUR BRAND. In an increasingly busy and hectic world it is important that you have a mechanism through which your business grabs attention. Build your brand. Lift your profile. Steve Fieldus, Transforce
And the quote of the day goes to…

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses. Henry Ford, Ford, Ford Motor Company (quoted at the Summit by Alan McKellar, Northparkes Mine) 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Discover the Riches Campaign

The Villages of Cabonne, namely Borenore, Canowindra, Cargo, Cudal, Cumnock, Eugowra, Manildra, Molong, Mullion Creek, Nashdale, Ophir and Yeoval, grew due to the natural riches our environment provided; rich fertile soils and rich in gold. As our communities evolved they have become rich in heritage, stories, people and lifestyle.

The Discover the Riches campaign will showcase our beautiful rich landscape and people enjoying a rich country experience. We are inviting people to Take a day, a week …. or a lifetime – to “Discover the Riches”.

  • Increase profile of Cabonne Villages and Areas
  • Instil local pride in the Villages, as a tourist destination and promote their many attractions and assets
  • Foster community collaboration between the Villages during the campaign and beyond, and assist in developing strong partnerships
  • Encourage people to visit the Villages of Cabonne
  • Increase tourism to the area, by doubling the visitor economy and overnight stays within Cabonne
  • Drive traffic to the specific Cabonne campaign website and Social Media channels relevant to the marketing campaign

The largest visitation market to the region is the ‘Visiting Friends and Relatives’ market, therefore the local market is the core target audience. The Discover the Riches campaign will have locals wanting to discover and rediscover each of our Villages and eager to show off what we have – they will be the campaign’s best and greatest ambassadors.
  • Primary: Residents and Local Business
  • Secondary: Visitors
  • Tertiary: Regional industry and Investors

Campaign tone
  • Aspirational and emotive – instilling pride
  • Warm and authentic – showcasing our people and our lifestyle
  • Intriguing and nostalgic – evoking a desire to discover


Television across all networks
  • 1 x 30 second campaign ‘hero’ ad supported by 15 second Village ads

Campaign Website
  • Showcase Villages
  • Events calendar 
  • Subscription function

Social Media
  • Integrated across: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google+ and TwitterShowcase Villages by highlighting attractions, history, people and iconic images
  • Share Community Events
  • Encourage engagement and campaign participation by asking locals to nominate their ‘Village Gems’ e.g. favourite country pub, best picnic location, favourite place to take visitors, best local event

Campaign Pamphlet
  • Distribution through local Visitor Information Centres and key Village attractions

  • Visitation to region
  • Website visitation
  • Local and community campaign ownership and engagement via Social Media